Monday, February 9, 2009

A Rod Blasts SI and Selena Roberts For Stalking

This is an article from…article.

Staten Island Advance reports:

“ESPN aired its lengthy interview with Alex Rodriguez on Monday evening and one of the topics that really got Rodriguez going was the tactics of Sports Illustrated reporter Selena Roberts. Rodriguez took off on Roberts, who co-wrote the Rodriguez piece with David Epstien, claiming that she resorted to questionable tactics when researching the story.

“What makes me upset is that Sports Illustrated pays this lady, Selena Roberts, to stalk me,” he told ESPN’s Peter Gammons.

Rodriguez went on to say that Roberts was tossed from his New York City apartment building, that she had to be escorted off of the University Miami campus by police when she sought out Rodriguez at the campus gym on Thursday and that she tried to break into his Miami home where his “children were sleeping”.

“There are some really respectable journalists that are following this lady off a cliff,” he said.

Roberts, as most would expect, immediately issued a statement through Sports Illustrated saying, “The allegations made by Alex Rodriguez are absurd” and affirmed that she’d never been to his apartment or his Miami home and that she’d never had any run-ins with police at the University of Miami campus.”